3D Modeling

When modeling I often come across new opportunities to add detail and give personality to a design. Once you add color, material, and depth to the object it can transform something abstract to reality.

Learning Something New

Any artist or craftsman understands the importance of their tools. The choice and mastery of tools have a profound influence on the expression of an idea and one’s artistic voice. In the past, I have had the opportunity to use a variety of 3D modeling programs, each having its own set of perks and disadvantages. When one tool is no longer suitable, a new one must take its place, and that is exactly the position I have found myself in.

Recently, I have begun to teach myself Blender, a new tool that I believe will further my skill and curiosity in my craft. If there is one thing to know about Blender, it is that there is a lot that this program can do, meaning there is a lot to learn. With any new skill, it will take some time to learn and familiarize myself with, but I have a feeling that it will become a favorite in my tool belt. I am excited to explore the program and see what work comes from it.