
Me, my-selves, and I. Meet the family of creatures that live in my mind, each with a story and unique perspective. Full of personality and contradictions, we make an interesting team. Each aspect has a role in keeping this walking pile of consciousness going. It’s hard work being a person, it’s a good thing I’m not alone.

Made Using:
Procreate || time || insight || trial || caffeine || naps || error || nature || some tea || lemon juice …

Project Status:
[ current ]



the head


the hero


the main character

- the head - the hero - the main character



the menace


the machine


the creator

- the menace - the machine - the creator



the hopeful


the healer


the resilient

- the hopeful - the healer - the resilient



the shield


the shapeshifter


the face

- the shield - the shapeshifter - the face


You like jazz? Me too, well, any music I guess. Here music pours from the sky like rain and, if you're lucky, you can see the waves of light dance. Every once in a while I find myself trying to capture the moment.

Made Using
Procreate || the talent of dozens of musicians || my good headphones || a lack of sleep …

Project Status
[ paused ]


Let's take a walk around the neighborhood. It’s nice to get out and stretch the metaphysical legs, and I love the exercise. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the weirdest things.

Made Using
Procreate || comfy shoes || the great outdoors || Procreate Dreams || sunnies …

Project Status
[ ongoing ]


What’s the opposite of a subconscious? This thing lives in here too, it’s like the white noise that a fan makes. It's always on, if there is an off switch I can't find it. I don't mind the noise as much anymore I've learned to tune it out but sometimes it's gentle hum screams for my attention.

Made Using
Procreate || meditation || a curious mind || more tea || a lot of headaches || even more naps …

Project Status
[ paused ]

Other Worlds…